lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

¿Para qué la Tecnología?

Al preguntarnos cuál es la finalidad de la Tecnología pensaremos que  son todos aquellos conocimientos y medios destinados a satisfacer las necesidades humanas: comida, vestido, cobijo, transporte, etc. Sin embargo, encontramos ejemplos como las armas, las drogas, la industria contaminante, etc., en los que el desarrollo tecnológico ha sido utilizado en contra de la humanidad en su conjunto. Se supone que el avance de la técnica facilita el trabajo y nos proporciona más tiempo de ocio, pero en muchas ocasiones tan sólo se traduce en reducción de puestos de trabajo. Por eso se dice que la tecnología no es en sí buena ni mala, depende del uso que hagamos de ella. Bien utilizada nos puede ayudar a encontrar empleo o a construir una vivienda confortable y respetuosa con el medio ambiente. 


18 comentarios:

  1. hi im angel friar.
    The video talks about the past where we had to trbajar hard and sweat for food when we have to now just sit in an office and wait become fat because everything does technology and robots

  2. Hello, I´m Elena Bautista.
    This video teaches the difference of the work to us of before with the one that could exist in a future. Former all the works were being made hacian with the hands but little by little machines have been created to realize these actions. Also it teaches us that in a future it is possible that the persons have overweight since hara everything across machines.

  3. Hello, I'm Eva María Fdez.
    This video shows us the evolution of the technology with regard to the exage and nowadays. As we can see in the video, before the works were realized to hand and at present they are starting replacing with the machines.
    In a future, it is possible that all the works be realized by machines and the man
    move to a background.

  4. Hello, I am Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra.
    In the video we can see who the machines influenced in the humans. The works was made by hands and ow, the machines are replacing the persons in their works. The persons are replaced because the machines make this works faster and many times, they make it better.
    Maybe in a future the humans could be completely remplaced by the machines and robots.

  5. Hi I 'm Sol Benítez Reyes. I really liked this video because it is right.
    As it says currently we use the robots for our comfort , to assist us in the work, to serve , to help in medical operations , etc. But we should not abuse of them and we have to know how to use them, because they should not replace us, or else we will have not a very good ending.

  6. Hello, I'm Sara Álvarez Pérez.
    This video it's about the evolution or expansion of the technology. The author makes a comparison between humans and robots in it we can see that through the passage of time the robots are able to do almost the same actions as individuals.nes will be in the future we do all the work people.
    We can also see how machines factories, satellites ..... have evolved over time and as the machines will be in the future we do all the work people.

  7. Hello I'm Manoli Domínguez Fuentes
    In the video talks about the evolution of the technology,although it is good but also is bad,in the video appears the past when we work and the future when we will be replaced by machines,and there will be no work for the humans.In the future if it continues to progress, all the machines will do and we will be very vague and very fat

  8. Hello I am José Ángel Cea Torres
    I think that this video is talking about the technologyc process. I think that the thechnologyc has good things and bads things.

    Good things: The person don't have to work very much because exist machines that do this work.
    Bad things: Now in the world are very person unemployed because the machines work for they. and I think that the technologyc is very advanced now in the world.

  9. Hello, I´m Carmen Fraile Campos
    I think that the tecnology is good because facilitate the work but sometimes the tecnology is bad because in the future the machines will replace the persons and they will not have profession

  10. Hello, I am Monte Fraile Campos.
    in this video we can see the evolution of the technology. It is very important to the life but if we use rhe technolochy incorrectly we fortot writen read and do sports. I think this video id the representated the evolution of the technology in the future.
    My opinion is if you use the technology correctly is good but if you use de technology incorrectly is bat

  11. This video come from to life when technology progresses more. Appear marchines were used before and compares them to the nowadays appears that in the future the machines will do the work of humans. The video tells use we don't want this to happen

  12. Hello, my name is Rocío García Olivo.
    This video is about how to make the robot work and how people put things in place. Many years ago the work was all made ​​by hand not now, now it's all done machines. Also we can see the satellites change over the years. I wanted to put my opinion. My opinion about this video is that I did not like that I do not agree with everything that made ​​the robot and humans ever do so.

  13. Hi I 'm Victor Bejaranoo Guzman. I really liked this video because it is very interesting. I can see that the video want to tell us the evolution of the technology. I really like but if the technology is evolving too much, we could be affected.

  14. Hi I'm Jose David Díez Fuentes.
    This video is about machines and robots.The fast robots and machines production will makes the men work more usless in the future.
    The world will be gobern by machines

  15. Hello, I'm Ángela Cotán. This video sign how that avanced is the technology.
    Before the people work very hard and now, with the new tecnologies, exist robots that do this work. This video compare the people and the robots working.
    It's really interesting and I like it very much, because this sign how is avance the world through the technologies.

  16. Hi i´m Antonio José for me this video reflects that people are replaced or robots and technology has advanced a lot these last years and many companies are no longer missing workers because robots and machines do it all

  17. Hello my name is Carme Gonzalez this video it is very interesting . This video has evolved as technology until today One consequence is that substitute workers robots.este video is very realist

  18. Hi, I'm Maria Garcia this video is very interesting.
    is work to be done before all the hands and in the future to the present is almost everything machines.
